Thursday, June 12, 2008

I'm going to vote Tory

I was brought up in the faith by Conservative parents. My maternal grandparents read The Daily Mail. I cast my first for the local Tory candidate Andrew Bowden and when I first arrived in Oxford to become a fearful snob -- for a short while at least -- I joined the Tory party. A few months later I was a fully fledged Labour supporter and have tended to vote for them ever since. However, I have now witnessed the most depressing subversion of political ideals in the history of the Labour party. The story hardly needs retelling: Iraq, the abolition of the 10% tax band, the ruination of the English education system, the destruction of countryside and Victorian houses, and now the proposed suspension of habeas corpus for the astonishing period of 42 days. How came this party, which used to represent liberty, the poor, the pursuit of peace, and other wholesome values to be corrupted in this manner? Blair and Bush! Gordon Brown and Oswald Mosely? So here I am, poised, assuming the Tories still undertake to reverse this disgusting legislation (and assuming it survives their lordships and others), to vote Conservative for the first time since I was 18.


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