We arrived at a lovely overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina and found the second picnic table unoccupied. A middle-aged couple was unloading copious supplies onto the other and looked delighted with the glorious view and feast in prospect. As we sat down to enjoy our much more modest feast, the caravan (Michigan number plate B30***6) pictured above pulled into the exact centre of the overlook and parked. The driver jumped out and had a quick cigarette whilst his wife (or partner, sister, transvestite significant other) scurried into the caravan, barely pausing to glance at the view. One cancer stick later the driver joined her and they proceeded to eat lunch in the cloistered environment of the caravan. Having blocked our view, they didn't even have the grace to engage with their environment. There's a word for people like this: tossers. Oblivious to the world around them, they devote themselves to their own comfort and to hell with the rest of humanity. Tossers indeed.
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