One of the most reassuring and moving websites I've encountered since Israel's depravity was revealed in its most naked and brutal form in the horrific bombing of Lebanon and Palestine is this protest site from Orthodox Jews, whose voice has long been stifled in Israel. Their obvious compassion and humanity are a welcome relief from the violent rhetoric emanating from much of America and Israel. I sincerely hope that their initiative will get through to somebody. At the very least it tells us that Israel's bloodlust does not represent the aspirations of all of the Jewish people. If their protests are heard, it will surely stem the waves of anti-Semiticism that Israel seems determined to encourage at the moment. This is just a brief quote from http://www.nkusa.org/ (the picture is from their site too -- I hope they don't mind my using it).
'The brutal and indiscriminate attack upon the people and infrastructure of Lebanon by the Zionist State "Israel" is a crime against all basic standards of decency and humanity.
The excuse given for this murderous invasion was the attack by Hezbollah on the IDF. What this might have to do with the hundreds of thousands of Lebanese innocent men, women and children, who are subjected to an ongoing living hell, is beyond comprehension.'
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