A visit to Glasnevin

There are plenty of parts of Dublin that fill me with little or no pleasure, havoc with the historic fabric of the old city having been so wilfully wrought in the post-war years. Glasnevin is a wonderful exception. This part of Dublin is very attractive in its own right with its numerous streets of fine Victorian houses plus, best of all, the National Botanical Gardens, as pictured above. At this time of the year the colours are really spectacular, especially the tulips. What's more, the ever-generous EU and Irish government have just finished funding the comprehensive restoration of the superb glass houses, which were built in the 19th century and resemble those at Kew in London (some later houses are soon to be restored, but they are nothing compared with these graceful Victorian structures). The Palm House was the last to be finished and it is now full of vast palms again. As if that weren't enough excitement for one day, when I arrived at the cafe at 11.00 for a pre-walkabout coffee, who should I see but Ireland's prime minister Bertie Ahern, sitting with three large men in pin-stripe suits and completely ignored by numerous other visitors sipping their coffee. I thought that was brilliant. (Bertie is a keen supporter of the gardens and is closely identified with several initiatives.)

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