just in case the words Pizza Hut made you feel hungry ...

The last time I ate at Pizza Hut was 11 months ago and it was bland, unmemorable, and not as cheap as I'd expected; but it was all there was and at least I wasn't hungry afterwards. If, immediately after eating the stuff, I'd been told what I've since learnt, the parking lot would have been lavishly embellished with my meal. I have it on excellent authority from people who have worked at Pizza Hut that it was and perhaps still is common practice to add additional toppings to Pizza Hut's already generous provision. According to my sources, they include saliva, bogeys (lumps of mucus from somebody’s nose), urine, and possibly two or more other bodily excretions, which decency forbids my mentioning. It is, I suppose, possible that Pizza Hut is not the only one of these chains offering such culinary variety, but it is to this restaurant that my attention has been drawn, so I won't be eating there again. Ever! The reason given for this revolting behaviour, by the way, is dissatisfaction with the management. Bad treatment and, I assume, bad pay. It's not really very nice of them to penalise the poor old public, but it was ever so. There's not much point in taking it out on the management after all.
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