Delaware: the minimum wage and Rep. Smith

State Rep. Wayne Smith was unhappy with raising the state's minimum wage from $6.15 to $7.15, citing this awful consequence for him and his family (see photo): 'Lisa took the kids to McDonald's tonight because this may be one of the last times they will be able to get anything off the dollar menu," he said, referring to his wife and their youngsters. "Make no mistake about it: This bill will act like a tax and raise prices for consumers.' We must therefore keep people in abject poverty so that Smith's family can eat junk food off the dollar menu! I can hardly recall a more immoral or offensive statement: this is America not pre-revolutionary France. Or shall we just call him Louis XVI? But let's not linger in the past. Let's see how we can move on.
I have a practical suggestion for Mr Smith and others who oppose raising the minimum wage. Let Mr Smith spend one year of his life on $6.15 for each and every hour he works. We'll include the time he spends at home reading reports, working on the Internet, and the like. Not everyone gets this benefit, but we'll be generous to the poor soul, because we know how his family will suffer if they don't get their $1.00 McShite. Of course, all benefits cease. No health plan other than what he can scrape together, no luncheon vouchers, no travel grants, just $6.15 before tax and deductions.
Mr Smith: 'Expose thyself to feel what wretches feel.' (King Lear) If after that you're still convinced that your McCrap at a dollar a piece is more important than clothing, feeding, and generally looking out for the poorest people in this country, I'll personally take you out and buy you a burger. But not just any burger: it'll be a Big Mac at the very least. I, at least, am not a cheapskate.
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