It doesn't matter how much people wriggle or attempt to justify it, Guantanamo Bay is an obscenity. It's America doing precisely what it condemned in Iraq -- imprisoning people without representation and legal process, torturing them, etc. America insists it is at war, which is fine, albeit pretty stupid. If these are enemy combatants give them the rights of the Geneva Convention. If they are criminals and not enemy combatants try them in a court of law. Don't make up this grey middleground and claim you are entitled to deny basic human rights. Given the miserable performance of the intelligence services in the US and UK, it is very likely that most of the people held in Guantanamo Bay are innocent. Terrorists are not stupid and are unlikely to have been found so easily. If all they were doing was defending their country from an invading force, make them prisoners-of-war. Or try them. Or let them go. Even if you accidently let a terrorist go free, the good will engendered will far outweigh the harm. At present a large part of the world is very angry with America, and this is nurturing terrorism. Let them go and you will deflate some of this anger and diminish support for terrorist groups.
It's not rocket science. But Bush and his supporters are so very, very stupid. They cannot see that the way to stop terrorists involves thought and science, cunning even, not the cowboy mentality of the twats displaying 'Support our Troops' on their car posteriors.
It really is time America stood up and proclaimed its greatest assets, which could yet rule the world: its constitution and respect for freedom.
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